Lara Pollock

Together Is Home Publications
My Latest Publication:
All of Us Together -
The Reverend Greta Crosby's Vision for Humanity
"If I could give you one key and one key, and one key only, to more abundant life, I would give you a sense of your own worth, an unshakable sense of your own dignity as one grounded in the source of the cosmic dance, as one who plays a unique part in the unfolding of the story of the world." Greta W. Crosby
All of Us Together is a collection of the Reverend Greta W. Crosby's elegant sermons and writings, providing a retrospective representation of her humanitarian legacy. As a Unitarian Universalist minister from 1959 to 1996, Greta often found herself on the precarious edge of the envelope of social justice. She was a trailblazer for women's rights, Civil Rights and the abolition of the death penalty. She advocated for LGBTQ causes, the prevention of hate crimes, as well as the protection of survival rights for marginalized people. Greta's sermons, meditations and letters to the editor compassionately convey her powerful Vision for improving the human condition by honoring the dignity and worth of every person. When this is established, equanimity flourishes and we, All of Us Together, will live more abundantly.
Announcing the release of ALL OF US TOGETHER by Lara Pollock (
My Life's Calling is the inspiration for my first self-publication project:
Together Is Home -
The Healing Messages of A Course in Miracles
Answering the Question: WHY? The everyday world we live in presents many challenges. We strive to survive and then our body eventually dies anyway. WHY? What’s the point of this struggle? Many have tried to answer this age-old question, but nothing has provided comprehensive answers until the scribing of A Course in Miracles. Yet understanding its unusual language and nondualistic concepts can be overwhelming. Many seekers have given up, leaving those answers locked away within its pages. As a companion book to the Course, Together Is Home offers a streamlined, step-by-step explanation of WHY we find ourselves in a dualistic world that seems separate from God. It then outlines a step-by-step True Forgiveness practice that enables miracles to unfold naturally in our lives. As we change our mind about this world, our lives can be completely transformed. Understanding WHY is the key that unlocks our true purpose in life.
Together Is Home is available in paperback and digital formats, follow this link for ordering options:
Together Is Home is available in paperback, digital & audiobook formats.
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****If you would like a paperback, digital or audiobook copy of either book, yet your budget does not allow you to purchase it at this time, please contact me through the "Contact Me" page and we'll make arrangements to send you a copy.****