Lara Pollock

About Me
Born in San Antonio, Texas, I have lived in Kansas since 1975. I graduated from Bethel College in North Newton in 1990, with a teaching degree in Enlgish, Secondary Education. There was a hiring freeze for new teachers in the early 1990's, so I began doing therapeutic massage. I soon realized that therapeutic massage is a much better match for my sensitive-intuitive personality, so I started my own practice in the field, which I continued for over 30 years.
I graduated from the four year Oriental Medicine Master of Science program at the Kansas College of Chinese Medicine in 2008. I then obtained the NCCAOM Diplomate in Oriental Medicine, a Kansas state license in acupuncture, as well as a Doctor of Oriental Medicine, licensed in New Mexico, practicing in Kansas.
In March of 2020, when Covid-19 was going global, I closed my office to stay home and care for my elderly mother. Since then, I continue to care for her, and I have also answered my Calling to write about A Course in Miracles. Together Is Home is the first publication, and more will be produced in time.
My next two book projects will be written for my Mom. She was a Unitarian Universalist minister from the 1950's through 1997. I will be compiling a selection of 10 of her sermons and other writings that she created within her long and active career.
The next book I will be compiling for her is a collection of letters she wrote in 1946 through 1947, when she spent a year living with a French family when she was 16 years old. The letters back and forth to her family are quaint and lovely, and I've wanted to publish them for many years. Now is the time!
Then I will go straight back into writing Course-related materials. I think the next book will be a collection of True Forgiveness stories from my personal experiences, as well as stories from other Course students. If you would like to submit a story, please let me know, and I will send the formatting, according to the 5 True Forgiveness Steps. It will be a little while until I can begin work on this project, but it will happen in good time :)
Thank you for visiting, and have a great day.